Käsillä oleva talvi 2013-2014 muistuttaa etäisesti vuoden 2006-2007 vastaavasta, jolloin treenasin helmikuista Valencian maratonia varten. Normaalistihan Etelä-Suomenkin talvijuoksut olisi pinkaistava lumilla, mutta tuolloin pakkas- ja lumijaksot alkoivat vasta tammikuun puolessavälissä. Onnistuinkin keräämään hyvän määrän kilometrejä ennen lentoa Espanjaan, vaikka itse koitoksessa tuntuikin ettei muutama lisälenkki olisi ollut pahitteeksi.
Nyt pakkanen on sitten iskenyt väkevästi ylle ja luisteluakti on vaihtunut salihommiin. Kahden viikon aikana olen visiteerannut gymillä noin kymmenesti ja Rautahumppa-traditioiden mukaan tehnyt krossaria ja käsiä. Lisäksi olen löytänyt mielestäni kekseliään vatsarutistuksen, jossa ollaan selinmakuulla jalat koukussa ja toinen jalka asetetaan ristiin toisen polven päälle. Tällöin rutistukset saa osumaan mukavasti ylävatsan alueelle. Leukoja olen tehnyt joka kerta 40-45 kpl, paitsi kerran, jolloin yltiöpäisyyttäni tein 3 kymmenen toiston sarjaa 10 kg:n lisäpainoilla. Hyvin sekin onnistui.
Uskaltauduin jäällekin taannoisena 15 asteen pakkasiltana. Huomioitavaa oli se, että jää tuntui luistavan todella hyvin. Ilmeisesti terä ei uppoa pakastinkylmään jäähän juuri lainkaan. Tämän huomasin myös kurveissa, joissa luistimet eivät tuntuneet riittävän teräviltä sirklaukseen. Vaikka viima innoitti vain 4 kilometriin, on pakkasista kuitenkin se hyöty, että matkaluistelubaanat alkavat pikkuhiljaa avautua myös eteläiseen Suomeen.
Alkuvuoden aikana olen kuitenkin parantanut jokaista jääluisteluennätystäni aina cooperista (4020 m) puolimaratoniin (1h 14 min). Rullailuennätyksiin, kuten tunninluistelussa (20,8 km) on kuitenkin vielä tekemistä. Kaarretekniikka alkaa kuitenkin jo löytyä.
lauantai 18. tammikuuta 2014
maanantai 6. tammikuuta 2014
A Man's Got to Know His Limitations
As we finally slipped into the first quarter of new exercise year, so let's have a view to the training scheme of the year 2013. Past twelve months have been, as I earlier refer, the ultimate training year in my lifespan so far. And that is much to say from a middle-aging man, who is slowly losing his recovery abilities week after week. However, I believe that the secret lies behind the adaptation and choosing the right sport. Six or seven years ago, I spent hours and hours to get prepared to my first (and only up to this date) marathon. I ran about 1600 kilometers in 170 independent exercises during one year.
Running is, of course, one of the most efficient exercises on the menu. On the other hand, when you run a lot, your body adapts to the movement and the development is slowing. When I ran those 9-11K exercises and got used to the rhythm and pace, stepping away from the comfort zone was harder and harder. I just not wanted to spoil that solid running hour with some interval spurts even though I knew that would have been helpful for pace resistance. But now, in the present day, the running just doesn't feel right for me.
Where was I? Oh yes, the year 2013! Comparing it to the earlier year, there has been significant development almost all sectors. Only the amount of running has decreased. Total distance, 2400 kilometers can be roughly divided to 1300K inline skating, 450K ice skating, 400K running, 100K walking. There where also some minor amounts of skiing and rowing during the past year. I spent 70 hours on elliptical training during the 85 visits in the gym. For the unknown reason I focused mainly on arm-based workouts in the gym. I'm able to do 100 chin-ups during the gym visit. I can lift 15 kilos by lateral raise, which is a ok for a development. The total amount of kilocalories consumed in 2013 was 160 600 and total time duration was 299 hours. However, I didn't count weightlifting to that at all. But of course, skating is the number one sport for me at the moment.
There were two major occasions during my skating year 2013. In August I was made an offer I could not refuse, K2 Radical 100 inline skates were on discount. And just before the ice skating season I received the long awaited package from the Netherlands, Fila Primo Ice Speed skates where landed. I must say that proper equipments really push the sport on the new level.
Happy New Year to all Rautahumppa readers and let's get back to serious training business again!
Running is, of course, one of the most efficient exercises on the menu. On the other hand, when you run a lot, your body adapts to the movement and the development is slowing. When I ran those 9-11K exercises and got used to the rhythm and pace, stepping away from the comfort zone was harder and harder. I just not wanted to spoil that solid running hour with some interval spurts even though I knew that would have been helpful for pace resistance. But now, in the present day, the running just doesn't feel right for me.
Where was I? Oh yes, the year 2013! Comparing it to the earlier year, there has been significant development almost all sectors. Only the amount of running has decreased. Total distance, 2400 kilometers can be roughly divided to 1300K inline skating, 450K ice skating, 400K running, 100K walking. There where also some minor amounts of skiing and rowing during the past year. I spent 70 hours on elliptical training during the 85 visits in the gym. For the unknown reason I focused mainly on arm-based workouts in the gym. I'm able to do 100 chin-ups during the gym visit. I can lift 15 kilos by lateral raise, which is a ok for a development. The total amount of kilocalories consumed in 2013 was 160 600 and total time duration was 299 hours. However, I didn't count weightlifting to that at all. But of course, skating is the number one sport for me at the moment.
There were two major occasions during my skating year 2013. In August I was made an offer I could not refuse, K2 Radical 100 inline skates were on discount. And just before the ice skating season I received the long awaited package from the Netherlands, Fila Primo Ice Speed skates where landed. I must say that proper equipments really push the sport on the new level.
* * *
Happy New Year to all Rautahumppa readers and let's get back to serious training business again!
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